Pre-Design Estimating • Master Plan Estimating • Budget Cost Planning • Conceptual Phase Costs • Cost Models • SD/DD/CD Estimating • Value Engineering • Design-Build Estimating • Schedules of Values • Contractor’s Bid Estimates • Quantity Take-Off’s • Peer Reviews • CM/GC Estimates • Critical Path Scheduling • Project Analysis Reporting

Project Cost Controls
Using the latest in estimating software, custom tools and databases, in combination with an extensive knowledge of construction in Alaska, we provide estimates tailored to your specific project. We supplement our experience by tracking trends in the industry, interviewing contractors, and establishing and maintaining vendor contacts in an effort to be well informed about your project.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis / Value Engineering
Life cycle costing/value engineering performed during the early stages of a complex project's development cycle is an essential means of selecting the best alternatives, considering both short term and long term options. Estimations, Inc. provides this service on an informal basis to all clients, if requested, as part of our basic services. When the process requires formal investigation, these comprehensive design alternative and cost studies produce reliable data and fully supported conclusions.
Condition & Inventory Survey Support
Estimating for inventory and condition surveys requires being able to produce reliable cost models, while using limited information and working under tight budget constraints. The Estimator must have a familiarity with all aspects of renovation. Having participated in over 200 renovation projects, we have developed a fast, cost-effective system of providing estimating support for surveys.

Estimations, Inc. provides construction management support services to the design community with an emphasis on project cost controls. Our experience includes new construction, renovations and additions for commercial and industrial facilities throughout urban and rural centers of Alaska. We work with clients in the public, private, and military sectors of the industry and have extensive experience estimating costs for education, health care, research, housing, correctional and transportation facilities. Estimations, Inc. has earned widespread recognition as qualified and experienced construction cost estimators.
$300 MM
Year Established
Projects Completed
Estimated Vertical Costs/Year
Years Combined Experience

©Photo By Kevin G. Smith
©Photo By KenGrahamPhotography.com
©Photo By KenGrahamPhotography.com
Estimations' provides cost estimating expertise to stakeholders from a wide variety of market sectors, including K-12 schools, university facilities, science and research, healthcare, cultural facilities, city, state and federal facilities, aviation and transportation, hospitality, sports and recreation, commercial and LEED projects.
Alaska Department of Administration
Alaska Department of Education & Early Development
Alaska Department of Transportation & PF
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
Alaska Native Medical Center
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC)
Anchorage School District
Alaska State Libraries
City of Fairbanks
City of Juneau
City of Kotzebue
City of Nome
City of Sitka
Fairbanks Memorial Hospital
Galena School District
Lower Yukon School District
Matanuska Susitna Borough (Mat-Su)
North Slope Borough
Northwest Arctic Borough School District
Providence Hospital
Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium
University of Alaska (UAA, UAF, UAS)
U.S Coast Guard
U.S Department of Defense
U.S Fish & Wildlife Service
U.S National Park Service
Valdez City School District
For questions or inquiries, please call: (907) 561-0790 or fill out the following form.
Contact Us
Head Office
1225 East Int'l Airport Rd, Suite 205,
Anchorage, Alaska 99518
Tel: (907) 561-0790
Fax: (907) 563-8219